Thursday, January 25, 2007

Indian Calender across the ages

I list here calender from the starting of time or the start according to Sanathana Dharma (aka Hindu) to the present year.
Lord Narayana brought forth the four-faced Brahma, the Creator. His age is 100 years. His span is 31104000 crores of human years. Now the first half has passed. We are now in the second half. In the second half Brahma passed the age of 17 Gati 42 Vighatis 3 minutes 19 Lavas 18 Trutis 94 Samprathi. If it is converted into solar years it comes to 1,55,52,195,83 solar years. In this, we are in Swetha Varaha Kalpa (the age of White Boar). 6 Manus passed. We are in the 7th Manvanthara that of Vaivaswatha Manu. In this Manvanthara 27 Maha Yugas have passed. Each Maha Yuga is of 4320000 years. In this Krita Yuga is of 1728000 years duration. Treta Yuga 1296000, Dwapara of 864000 and Kali 432000. Now, from creation onwards the years gone by are 193, 58, 85, 089 and

5107 of Kaliyuga or

1927 of Salivahana or

2063 of Vikrama Saka or

2007 of Gregarian calendar of A.D.

The present year is called Vyaya.

Astrology is one of the six Angas of Veda. It takes the place of eye. Those who wish to have a path through Veda have to see through Astrology.

The Hindu Division of Time :

Siddhanthas are the divisions of Astrology which lead the way.

Jataka leads the journey through life by giving the way into past, present and future.

Muhoortha indicates the appropriate time and place to begin things. Siddhanta is astronomical calculation, the flesh and blood of Jataka and Muhurta.

The learned and wise divide this sea of time into six divisions of (I )Year, (II) Ayana, (III) Ritu, (IV) Maasa, (V) Paksham, and (VI) day.

I. Years are again of 5 types. Lunar, Solar, Savana, Nakshtra, Baarhaspatya.

1. Lunar year : Starts with 1st day after new moon in the chaitra maasa. It has 12 months.

i. Chaitra – in which month on fullmoon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Chitra.

ii. Vaisakha – in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Visakha.

iii. Jyestha - in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Jyestha

iv. Ashaada - in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Purvashaada or Uttarashaada

v. Sravana - in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Sravan

vi. Bhadrapada in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Purvabhaadra or Uttarabhaadra

vii. Asvayuja - in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Aswini

viii. Kaarteeka - in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Krittika

ix. Margasira - in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Mrigasira

x. Pushya - in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Pushyami

xi. Maagha - in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Magha

xii. . Phaalghuna - in which month on full moon day, Moon is in the lunar mansion Purva Phalghuni or Uttara Phalguni.

Lunar year has 354 days.

There are sixty lunar years per cycle

The years are named :-

1.Prabhava 2.Vibhava 3.Sukla 4.Pramoda 5.Prajapati 6.Angirasa 7.Sreemukha 8.Bhaava 9.Yuva 10.Dhaata 11.Eswara 12.Bahudhanya 13.Pramadhi 14.Vikrama 15.Vrusha 16.Chitra Bhanu 17.Subhaanu 18.Taarana 19.Parthiva 20.Vyaya 21.Sarvajit 22.Sarvadhari 23.Virodhi 24.Vikruti 25.Khara 26.Nandana 27.Vijaya 28.Jaya 29.Manmadha 30.Durmukha 31.Hevilamba 32.Vilamba 33.Vikaari 34.Saarvari 35.Plava 36.Subhakritu 37.Shobhakrithu 38.Krodhi 39.Viswavasu 40.Parabhava 41.Plavanga 42.Keelaka 43.Sowmya 44.Sadhaarana 45.Virodhakrit 46.Paridhavi 47.Pramaadee 48.Ananda 49.Rakshasa 50.Anala 51.Pingala 52.Kaalayukta 53.Siddhardhi 54.Rowdri 55.Durmati 56.Dundhubi 57.Rudhirodgari 58.Rakthakshi 59.Krodhana 60. Kshaya.

2. SOLAR YEAR : This is calculated according to the sun’s entry in the 12 signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. This year consists of 365 days.

3. SAAVANA YEAR : This consists of 30 days each for month and 12 months a year, thereby, giving us 360 days for an year. This year is taken into consideration when Yugas and Manvantharas are calculated.

4. NAAKSHATRA YEAR : The year has 12 months. Each month has 27 days roughly, according to the motion of Moon through each Nakshatra. The year has 324 days.

5. BAARHASPATYA YEAR : The year is calculated according to the motion of planet Jupiter through each sign. It has 361 days.

II. Ayanas are two :-

1. Dakshinayana : The path of sun from 0 degrees Cancer to 30 degrees Sagittarius. In this period sun will be south of the equatorin the southern latitudes.

2. Uttarayana : The 6 months period starts with the Sun’s entry into 0’degrees Capricorn to 30’degrees Gemini. The sun will be in northern latitudes and hence north of equator.

III. Ritus are of two types

1. Solar : 1. Sun’s passage through two signs each approximately

Through Aries & Taurus – Vasanta

Through Gemini & Cancer – Greeshma

Through Leo & Virgo – Varsha

Through Libra & Scorpio – Sarad

Through Sagittarius & Capricorn – Hemanta

Through Aquarius & Pisces – Sisira

2. Lunar : Two months each starting from the month of Chaitra – 6 seasons.

IV. Months are of 4 kinds :

1. Lunar Month : Starts with new moon

2. They are named Chaitra etc.,

(Note : In some parts of Bharat the month is also calculated from full moon)

2. Solar Month : Starts with Aries.

3. Savana : Thirty days each.

4. Naakshatra : Moon’s passage through each Nakshatra gives the month of 27 days.

V. Paksha :

Suklapaksha : Starts with 1st day after New moon and ends with full Moon.

Krishna Paksha : Starts with 1st day after full moon and ends with new moon.

VI DAY : Consists of 60 Ghatis. It starts with sunrise and ends with sun set.

So these are the six types of divisions of time according to the wise.

Panchangam has five parts :-

1. Tithi 2. Vaara (day) 3. Nakshatra 4. Yoga 5. Karana.

1. Tithi : Tithi is the arc between Sun and Moon. There are 15 Tithis. 1.Pratipat or Padyami 2.Vidiya or Dvitiya 3.Tadiya or Tritiya 4.Chaviti or Chaturdhi 5.Panchami 6.Shasti 7.Sapthami 8.Ashtami 9.Navami 10.Dasami 11.Ekadasi 12.Dwadasi 13.Thrayodasi 14.Chaturdasi 15.Newmoon or full moon.

2. VAARA (Days) are seven. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

3. Nakshatras are 27. Each has 13 degrees 20' arc starting with 0 degrees Aries. They are Aswini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Aslesha, Magha, Poorva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swathi, Visakha, Anuradha, Jyesta, Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada (Abhijit), Sravana, Dhanistha, Satabhisa, Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra and Revathi.

4. YOGAS are 27.

1. Vishkambam 2. Preeti 3. Ayushman 4. Soubhagyam 5. Shobanam 6. Atigandam 7. Sukarma 8. Dhriti 9. Sthoolam 10. Gandam 11. Vriddhi 12. Dhrivam 13. Vyaghatam 14. Harshanam 15. Vajram 16. Siddhi 17. Vyatipat 18. Variyaan 19. Parigha 20. Sivam 21.Siddham 22. Sadhyam 23. Subham 24. Subhram 25. Brahma 26. Aindram 27. Vaidhruti.

5. Karanas are eleven. They are:

1. Bava 2. Balava 3. Koulava 4. Taitula 5. Garaji 6. Vaniji 7. Bhadra 8. Shakuni 9. Chatuspaat 10. Naagava 11.Kinstaghnam.

Special Note :

Earth revolves round the Sun in an year. Apparently Sun seems to move around the zodiac around earth in 360 days. This is made up of 12 Months. Now,

432000 years Kali Yuga

864000 years Dwapara

1296000 years Tretayuga

1728000 years Kritayuga

4320000 years Mahayuga

71 Mahayugas = Manvantara

14 Manvantaras – 1 day of Brahma

= 4320000000 years.

The night of Brahma again 4320000000 years. Such 360 days is one year for Brahma. The age of Brahma is 100 years = 311040000000000 human years.

The present Brahma is the 7th, the six Brahmas Manasa, Chakshusa, Vachika, Sravan, Nasika and Anda Brahmas passed their span.

The present Brahma is Lotus born. The present Brahma has passed 50 years of his age. This is his 51st year first day and in the first day 5 hours 28 minutes and 48 second have passed. Now we are in the 49th second.

In this Swayambhuva, Swarochisha, Uttama Tamasa, Raiwata and Chakshusha Manus ruled over 71 Maha Yugas each. Now the 7th Manu Vaivaswatha is ruling.

In this Vaivaswatha Manvantharam out of 71 Mahayugas 27 Mahayugas have passed. In the 28th Mahayuga, Kaliyuga is passing through. In this Vyaya is 5107th year of the present Kaliyuga.

How Old is the World?

As already mentioned above, 6 Manvantaras have elapsed before the Deluge or the beginning of the Vaivasvata Manvantara. That means 1,84,03,20,000 years ( 6 x 71 x 43,20,000) have been completed before the Deluge and 12,05,33,104 years after the flood. Thus from the beginning of the Kalpa, or the present creation, 196,08,53,104 years have passed - which therefore, is the age of the world.

Einstien had calculated the age of Universe (later confirmed by Nasa using Hubble telescope to being the upper limit) as 20 billion years, whereas the Hindu calculation date it as 19.6 billion years.


Karmasura said...

the last para shows amazing accuracy without any of the modern instruments we know today!

gr8 work and gr8 info dude.. keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

I just need a little explanation, would anyone care to elaborate on the last comment?
Let us all express our opinions here. Do you think random babbles like this should be allowed to hang in threads or should they be erased? Share your opinions.
I once was a boy and now I'm a girl. Do you know what if feels like?
I just saw my comments being removed from some sites. I mean no harm, I'm just… sporadic.

NETWORK: What fishermen do when not fishing.